Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Future

After finally obtaining my BA in Political Science and minoring in Business Administration, I have many plans for the next ten years of my life. And I hope that I will achieve them all!

After graduation and working for a year (preferably with a government agency or a law firm) , in the fall of 2010, I hope to be in my first year of law school (Taking a break to regenerate some funds!) at UGA, Emory, GWU, or Michigan. After graduating from law school, I hope to work at a United States Senator's office as a political consultant, working at either the Department of Veterans' Affairs, Department of State, or Department of Labor, become a White House Staffer, or practicing administrative law in Washington, DC. While in DC, I hope to become and stay active within the Democratic Party and set up a network to run for the US Senate (either in Virginia, Maryland or South Carolina).

As for family and personal life goes, I hope to own my own home and to be married (or engaged) by the time I am 28, and have children by the time that I am 31. Also, I hope to save up enough money to by my parents a home near where ever I am living so that I can be close by when they need me.

So I am keeping my fingers crossed and trying to work hard to do all of these things!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Web 2.0

After watching the video "Web 2.0", I realized how far the Internet has evolved. It was simple looking and the commands were simple to build a web page or site too. Now, with the elements such as Quick time, video, streaming live music, uploading photos instantly, society has definitely changed the purpose and utility of the Internet. With these changes, we can make the Internet as personalized or mysterious as we want it to be--whether one wants to show everything that he or she is to the world, or to show how simple one can be. As long as we know how to control all the commands and can enter it into our desktops or laptops, the web has endless possibilities.

Even for someone my age, it is amazing but kind of scary what the future will hold in terms of the advancements that the web will experience. Not only will it become easier to communicate instantly with others for pleasure, it will instantly become more of a threat to our security and privacy of our personal being--not to mention the security of jobs. New technological advances will always make the older workers along with the younger, technology-illiterate workers (like myself) scared of being ousted out of the workforce. Manual skills like handwriting, doing math by hand, developing photography in a black room to produce photos to share, and making videotapes for mass distribution will be obsolete because of the web. Society in the future will have to focus on more digital training for the workforce instead to manual labor.

So, if a person can not keep up with the advancement of the web, to the unemployment line he or she will go...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

About Me

Hey y'all! My name is Mykita, and I am a SENIOR political science major! I am excited about graduating and can't wait to take on the political world with success. I consider myself a liberal and a democrat. Some of my favorite hobbies include playing my trumpet, music (music has been a very big part of my life for over 9 years, and probably always be), gardening, taking care of my cats (and animals in general), drawing, and hanging out with my friends. Going back to music, I can listen to anything, except heavy metal and hard-core rap (I hate it!) As far as sports go, I am a pretty big football fan and I love my Carolina Panthers. As personality goes, I am very hard working, determined, nice, and very friendly person (but I can and will get tough and mean if need be). So you know a little bit about me!